• Modern jest-ing with a Chance of Whaleball

    Writing a good test is hard, but, what does good actually mean in testing? Striving for an encompassing answer is not the goal of this post, but to focus on a single topic called state management. However, why should we bother, when many state-related topics do not become apparent in specifications, because of their isolated and predominant single-threaded nature?

  • Quo vadis Monolith

    Writing good software is hard if we run a business behind it. I guess that nearly everyone experienced the consequences of taking the short path or not having the time to revert bad design or architectural decisions. The time for feature development decreases and firefighting begins and people start digging for the cause, taking a step back, looking at their system. If this has been experienced in the past years when the concepts of microservices appeared,
    then the chances are high that the root cause has something to do with the giant, named Monolith, but is this justified? I remember a quote I read some years ago, which says:

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